<%On Error Resume Next%> <% Dim thePATH,theDB,DBTable,rsData,dbConn,dbRec thePATH = "d:\inetpub\vhosts\merrifield.com\httpdocs\products\" theDB = "product_store.mdb" DBTable = "products" sqlRequest = "SELECT * FROM " & DBTable Set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set dbRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") dbConn.Open "Provider= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & thePATH & theDB dbRec.Open sqlRequest, dbConn %>

Welcome to the Merrifield Consulting Group products page.


The Merrifield Consulting Group's catalog offers video and audio tapes firms that distribute products or manufacturers that use distribution channels. The products offered in this catalog are targeted to be the most industry-specific and best-value-priced resources available. For the many firms who have purchased our products and services over the past 23 years thank you, we hope to continue to be a resource. To those firms who are just learning about us, we hope to become a valuable tool in furthering your company's growth.

To view information about a product, add a product to your shopping cart, or remove a product from your shopping cart simply click on its title from the list below. Once you have added items to your shopping cart, click the "VIEW YOUR SHOPPING CART" print out the form and fax it to 919/933-7454.

Reseller List

= Indicates that this item is in your shopping cart. Please fax this order to 919/933-7454.

<% do while not dbRec.eof %> <% dbRec.MoveNext %> <% loop %>

Title Price
<% if isInCart(dbRec("ID")) then %> <% else %> <% end if %> "><%=dbRec("Title")%> <% if dbRec("InStock") Then %> US <%=FormatCurrency(dbRec("Price"),2) %> <%else%> Out of Stock! <%end if%>

<% dbRec.Close Set dbRec=Nothing dbConn.Close Set dbConn=Nothing %>